I Had Two When I Came In
註釋Fascinating, very creative. Congratulations to this great lady of courage and determination!

Elizabeth Lancaster, executive director Hillsborough County Unit American Cancer Society

I Had Two When I Came In is one womans confrontation with cancer of the breast. It reveals a very personal experience that is shared by many and dreaded by all women. Not all women with breast cancer will receive the same treatment given Ellie Wyatt, but most will be subjected to the same emotional and psychological stresses associated with removal of the breast. Her success in adjusting to the realities of cancer and to her new body image is evident throughout. The book, written with courage and humor, is Mrs. Wyatts gift to any who may face the same disease with its medical consequences.

David M. Richter, MD, Major, USAF
Chief, General Surgery
MacDill AFB Hospital