Water Technology
An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
出版Wiley, 1997-03-31
主題Science / Environmental Science
註釋Nick Gray is well known for both his texts and reference works on water technology, and he now brings his research and teaching expertise to this introductory student textbook. Written as a comprehensive and accessible introduction, Water Technology introduces the key concepts of hydrobiology, water treatment and supply, and wastewater treatment. Throughout the book the environmental impacts of policy and practice are assessed. The book:
  • covers water quality and regulation, including European and US legislation and standards
  • explains the fundamentals of hydrobiology and aquatic ecosystems
  • deals with water quality assessment, management and treatment
  • includes in-depth coverage of wastewater treatment and disposal
  • is highly illustrated and includes numerous tables to help the reader
Water Technology is essential reading for the environmental science or engineering student.