The Book of Elijah A. Stone
註釋As the Apostle Paul wrote in 2nd Corinthians 3:2 - "Ye are our epistles written in our hearts, known and read of all men," .....so is The Book of Elijah A. Stone as told by Peter Simonson..... ......a declaration of a man's life which began as a small child seeking the face of his Creator. This is the story, the epistle, of such a man. It is the story of Elijah's lifelong battle with mental illness. Elijah longed to pay the debt in service to God that he believed God required of him for having bestowed life upon him. Elijah, in his quest to accomplish this payment to God, becomes involved with a Christian cult.... .....and comes to realize more completely the foreboding lyrics of a song, ..... .......telling Elijah possibly the truth about his concerns about the cult...... .....which lyrics counsel Elijah, that, concerning this 'cult'..... .....he, Elijah, 'could check out anytime he liked, but he could never leave.' Will Elijah overcome his mental illness? Will he ever be entirely free in his mind & heart from those in the Christian cult? Would he ever realize the true calling of his purpose before God ? He would find that, in order to ever serve God, ... .....he would first have to realize God as his Father, and himself, a son of the Father, ..... .....together with all those, who also are the children of God.