Communication Systems - I

Analysis tools such as Fourier series, Fourier transforms signals, systems and spectral densities are discussed in the second chapter. Introduction is presented in the first chapter.

Third chapter presents additional analysis techniques such as probability, random variables, distribution functions and density functions. Probability models and random processes are also discussed.

Noise representation, sources, noise factor, noise temperature, filtering of noise, noise bandwidth and performance of AM/FM in presence of noise is discussed in fourth chapter.

Analog pulse modulation is presented in fifth chapter. Sampling, PAM, PAM/TDM are discussed in this chapter.

Sixth chapter deals with digital pulse modulation methods such as PCM, DM, ADM and DPCM.

Seventh chapter presents digital multiplexers, line coding, synchronization, scramblers, ISI, eye patterns and equalization techniques.

Digital modulation is presented in eighth chapter. Phase shift keying, frequency shift keying, QPSK, QAM and MSK are presented. Last chapter deals with error performance of these techniques using matched filter.