NLP: Describe the Art of Mind Control, Nlp and Body Language (Guide to Influencing Human Behavior Using Covert Persuasion, & Ethical Manipulation)

For so many years now, the concept of mind control has existed, and people have shown both fear and fascination of what would take place if an individual would control their thoughts and minds and lead them to do things that are against their wish and will. 

There have been conspiracy theories on how government officials, as well as other influential persons, use their talents and capacities to control actions of the minorities and small groups.

Take a sneak peek at what you're going to discover:

●   How manipulative people really operate and tips to help you spot them a mile away

●   Foolproof ways to tell if you or someone you know is being manipulated

●   How to get anyone to say "yes" to your requests with little-known psychological techniques

●   A crash guide to body language cues and how to accurately identify and interpret micro-expressions

●   Steps to take to save yourself if you're in a romantic relationship with an emotional manipulator

●   ...and much, much more!

Do you know people who are constantly pushing your buttons to get you to do things you wouldn’t otherwise do for the purpose of furthering their agenda? Do you feel you are always being led into things you don’t want to do by others? Do you feel helpless, powerless and off-balance while interacting with your partner or your boss? Is someone constantly making you feel inadequate and unworthy?

This book will help you gain comprehensive insights into the world of manipulation, negative persuasion and NLP. It will blow the lid off the clever and sneaky manipulation tactics people use to have their way over you. It will also help you recognize situations where you have been manipulated. In addition to this, you’ll also learn how to fight back against manipulation and be in control of certain situations.