Encyclopaedia of International Aviation Law
Volume 4 English and French Version Version Englaise Et Française 2013 Edition
出版Trafford Publishing, 2013-05-23
主題Transportation / Aviation / GeneralReference / Encyclopedias
註釋The four volumes of the Encyclopaedia of International Aviation Law are
intended for students, lawyers, judges, scholars and readers of all
backgrounds with an interest in Aviation Law; and to provide the
definitive corpus of relevant national and regional legislation, including
global aviation treaties and legislation to enable all readers without
exception, to develop the background, knowledge and tools to understand
local, regional and international Aviation Law in contextual fashion.

The first volume has a detailed text of country legislation, including
national cases and materials whilst the second, third and fourth volumes
focus on International Aviation Law Treaties, international cases and
materials and Aircraft Refueling Indemnity (TAR BOX) Agreements.