Assessing and Certifying Occupational Skills and Competences in Vocational Education and Training
註釋This document contains the analytical reports and case studies presented at a 1992 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development policy seminar that focused on assessment, certification, and recognition of skills and qualifications in vocational education and training. The following papers are included: "The Issues" (Hilary Steedman); "Problems of Definition" (Gabriel Fragniere); "Problems of Implementing Assessment and Certification" (Sheila Clarke, Ron Tuck); "Comparability and Recognition of Qualifications: European Experiences" (Olivier Bertrand); "The Issue of Certification: The Case of Portugal Experience and the European Dimension" (Luis Imaginario); "The Curricular and Pedagogic Implications of New Approaches to Assessment and Certification" (Michael Young); "The Role of Assessment and Certification in the Functioning of Training and Labour Markets" (Myriam Campinos-Dubernet); "Portability and Transferability of Qualifications" (Prostes Da Fonseca); "Implementing Assessment, Certification and Validation" (John Rodgers); "Austria: Issues of Certification in the Dual System" (Helmut Aigner); "Canada (Quebec): Recognition and Assessment of the Skills and Competencies of Adult Workers and of Immigrants" (Claire Prevost-Fournier); "France: Examinations in a Centralised School-Based Training System" (Benoit Bouyx); "Germany: The Institutional Framework and Certification in the Dual System" (Wilfried Reisse); "Netherlands: Training and the Assessment of Adults' Skills and Competencies" (A. T. H. Janssen); "New Zealand: The Development of a System of Qualifications and Certification Based on Skills" (David Hood); and "United States: In Search of a National System of Qualifications" (Winifred I. Warnat). (MN)