
�Socrates. Observe, Protarchus, the nature of the position which

you are now going to take from Philebus, and what the other position is which I maintain, and which, if you do not approve of it, is to
be controverted by you. Shall you and I sum up the two sides?

Protarchus. By all means.

Soc. Philebus was saying that enjoyment and pleasure and delight, and the class of feelings akin to them, are a good to every living being, whereas I contend, that not these, but wisdom and
intelligence and memory, and their kindred, right opinion and true reasoning, are better and more desirable than pleasure for all who are able to partake of them, and that to all such who are or ever will

be they are the most advantageous of all things. Have I not given, Philebus, a fair statement of the two sides of the argument?�