Pretty Punishment
註釋Kourtlind doesn't know the difference between poison and passion or actual love. She believes she is unlucky when it comes to affection. After her sister Nova suffers from a debilitating illness, her world is turned upside down. This unfortunate news is the gateway to discovering that Sophia, her biggest supporter is at the helm of secretly setting a blaze of fire to everything Kourtlind does and the one she desires. Upon discovery, she keeps an emotional scoreboard of the rights and wrongs of a past lover, failed relationships, and those who get in the path of vengeance towards her predecessor which leads to a budding love affair with a familiar stranger. Although she knows that love can be a losing game, the bitter taste that past events left in her mouth cause her to file an emotional bankruptcy, become drunk with power, and foster thoughts of self-destruction. Kourtlind also becomes trapped and imprisoned in her own thoughts. Ultimately, she must decide whether maltreatment and deception will be the funnel to self-evolution and a new love, or the conduit to remaining unchanged.