Op 5 No 6 - 'fleeting' - Original Composition, Score. 2023

Written. 2022, by Matthew Cooper. 18

   Audio published. 2022

     -- YouTube.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DThENzmrf9A

     -- MuseScore.  https://musescore.com/user/31021849/scores/8141451/s/leCz0M?share=copy_link

   Score published.  2023

     -- GoogleBooks.

     -- MuseScore.  https://musescore.com/user/31021849/scores/12070123

   Performance Published. 2022

     -- YouTube.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3FER10p0Rs

     -- Spotify.  https://open.spotify.com/album/0DPo3Ivrgo6duPzQe7bEOc

' The piece begins with a tender, introspective tone, evoking the image of a character reminiscing over cherished memories. Though, this mood soon unravels into melancholy; perhaps it has been long since this character has had a new experience to cherish. A delicate melody persists over rising rhythmic and dynamic intensity, until it is forced to strain against it, marked 'lacrimoso /teary', as the character laments these moments in decline. The music peters to a close, with an emotional haze coloured by two bars for the final chords to shimmer.

But, the music starts again. The character tries to escape their mourning by dwelling on what memories they have, and so the reminiscing melody is restated. Though now, it is lower, sapped of spirit. And soon, a weeping melody takes the foreground. Familiar delicacy returns, though grounded in a firm grief, as if comfort is derived from these memories, only now undercut by the recognition that they are to never be relived. With a final yearning push, the character is left fatigued, and the piece concludes like a defeated sigh as the character accepts their experiences as they are: fleeting. '

'Soft Sentiments' is a set of seven narrative Piano solo compositions. It's pieces can be regarded independently, and as a connected narrative. Hence, it's pieces are presented in narrative order;

     -- YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcd6oauhVFmJevRIaSiwY8ttVYbJEDUvS

     -- GoogleBooks. [hyperlink n/a]

     -- MuseScore. https://musescore.com/user/31021849/sets/5217878