Alex Blair was a famous violinist in some of the greatest concert halls in the united States and Canada. Suddenly he removed himself from that life and lived almost as a recluse in the rural district of Guysborough County in Nova Scotia. He placed various notes about his life in his violin case which he left with his daughterin-law before his death. The notes were discovered by his great granddaughter – Ann Blair.
Ann was a highschool math teacher and the story unfolds as she finds the messages left in the old case. Some of the information she found was unknown to the family and they change the course of her life.
It is the story of the many twists and turns that can occur in several generations of family life and the impact they can have on the following generations. It is certain, many families can compare it with their own family history.
Life is unpredictable and each day can bring surprises – some good, some not so good. We have no control of that and are forced to live life as it presents itself. We must trust in God and hope for the best.