I, Tom Horn
註釋In I, Tom Horn, originally published in 1975, Will Henry presents a fictional autobiography of Tom Horn that answers decisively the question?did Tom Horn kill fourteen-year-old Willie Kickell, or was he framed?

Horn was a cavalry scout in Arizona Territory during the last Apache campaigns, a champion rodeo rider, a Pinkerton, and finally a stock detective in Wyoming. Known and feared as el hombre de sombra (the shadow man), Horn?s lifetime (1860?1903) spans one of the most colorful and tumultuous periods of the Old West. In this novel Will Henry provides a multidimensional portrait of Tom Horn as a man capable of humor, compassion, and love, and also one who could kill without the least remorse. This figure is set against equally compelling portraits of Al Sieber, chief of scouts under General Crook, and apache leaders in the Four Families of the Chiricahuas, names now fabled in American frontier history Nana, Chato, and Geronimo.