Back to Sender
註釋So many Christians experience delayed marriages, separation, divorce, suffering, affliction, sickness, poverty, disappointments and failures in their endeavours. Do you think it is the will of God that Christians experience such problems? It is definitely not the will of God. If it is not the will of God, why then do many still have problems? Very many suffer afflictions because they unknowingly practise some wrong doctrines. One of such doctrines that make some Christians suffer is the back-to-sender prayer. The prayer seems logically reasonable but it actually opens the door for the devil into a person's life. Anyone who prays such prayer has no relationship with Jesus Christ. In this book, Pastor Chris used the scripture to expose how praying back-to-sender opens the door for the devil into a Christian's life, and how you can easily receive your heart desires. Pastor Chris Ojigbani is the Apostle of Marriage. God commissioned him to liberate marriages through the preaching of the Word. He is the Senior Pastor of Covenant Singles and Married Ministries. He and his wife Pastor Uche, who is also involved in the ministry, live in Lagos, Nigeria. His television programme, Singles and Married with Pastor Chris Ojigbani, is aired on various television stations in many parts of the world. He also conducts interactive marriage seminars in different countries.