Swimming With The Whale
Miracles, Wonders, and Healings with Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth
出版Daniel Joseph Gobin, 2021-07-04
主題Body, Mind & Spirit / Healing / General

Swimming with the Whale is an introduction to the teachings and practices of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth. In this book the reader will witness the Miracles, Wonders and Healings made possible by some of the most advanced teachings on God, Man and the Nature of Reality available anywhere.

Volume one of Diving with the Whale will describe in detail the higher dimensions of reality that scientist are now calling Parallel Universes. These higher worlds of different dimensions are the very places we are destined to travel through after the death of our material body. And during our sojourns through the worlds of the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimension we are constantly changing as a personality. This transformation impulse to change and awaken is what drives our “spiritual evolution”.

Volume one also reveals the underlying dynamics that gives us satisfaction or misery in life; and provides practical teachings and practices that will enable us to reduce our suffering and increase our contentment in life. This book will also show how destructive and constructive forces are influencing our family as well as all nations. This Volume concludes with an insightful examination of the role a clean heart plays in our spiritual awakening.