Young Sentinels
註釋The reward for a job well done is another job.After the Sentinels' takedown of the second incarnation of Villains Inc., things are relatively quiet in the great metropolis of Chicago. Astra, aka Hope Corrigan, is able to breathe a little, to hang out with her friends, and even to attend classes (where her professors are starting to think she is a myth). But Blackstone is loading more training and responsibilities on her, and converging events threaten the compromises she has made to balance her superhero career and student life and to protect her family and friends.Worse, a new supervillain has come to town, and it will take all of Chicago's capes to defeat the threat of the Green Man - if he can be defeated at all. When a new supervillain group begins targeting anti-superhuman groups, it becomes apparent that even the Sentinels are going to need help.Because one thing is certain: Chicago is going to have a very bad day.========================Young Sentinels is the third book in the high-rated series begun by Wearing the Cape and continued in Villains Inc. and Omega Night.