Marketing Guidebook for Small Airports
註釋This guidebook will help airport managers with small or minimal budgets to develop a marketing program for their general aviation or commercial service airport. The Guidebook discusses the basics of marketing, takes the reader through the process of developing and implementing a plan, presents approaches to marketing and public relations, provides worksheets and concludes with a selection of instructive case studies. The Guidebook provides ideas about how to regularly communicate with tenants and the community, how to effectively position the airport in the region, and how to develop and retain airport activity. Airport managers and those responsible for marketing and working with communities will find many useful worksheets and tools to assess their individual situation, set goals, and select from low cost strategies to deliver their message. This well-researched guidebook, with its easy to use techniques and worksheets along with real-world examples, will help those in the airport community to create and sustain a positive and persuasive airport identity and message.