Life B'long Ali Drummond
註釋Ali Drummond, now 90 years of age, has lived an extraordinary life, by any standards. Orphaned when young, Ali took to a life of the sea at just fourteen years of age. Originally taken on as an apprentice, Ali applied himself to learning the skills he needed to survive and prosper in a sometimes dangerous life seeking pearl shells, trochus snails, and bche de mer. Alert to the Japanese divers' knowledge, Ali learned well from them and went on to become an expert diver and skipper himself. After years on the mainland supporting his growing family, Ali returned to his beloved Torres Strait. He has been a strong supporter of his community and has provided advice about the maritime environment he knows so well knowledge keenly sought by scientists and others. Alis granddaughter Samantha Faulkner has rendered Ali's life with affection, skillfully weaving together his stories, along with colorful reminiscences from his family.