Use Me... (Erotic Romance)


Rodney and Stephanie are at a sweet spot in their relationship. After so many years of struggling and a cold bedroom, they're finally on top of the world, winning big. 

It all started with Rodney taking no prisoners in the way that he stays disciplined, dominant, and productive at everything that he puts his hands to. This allowed him to lead more in their relationship, to which Stephanie gleefully followed every command. 

She became his muse, and every time they engaged in their mating dance, the better life became...

We catch a glimpse into their relationship as they take a sex break from Rodney's busy work day, followed by an encounter with a sexy stranger that turns the heat up even more...


 As much as people want to talk about “partnerships” and 50/50 relationships, Rodney knew in his gut and his balls that it was him taking the bull by the horns that changed things in his and Stephanie’s world. 

In fact, it was when he tried to be the most diplomatic and equal that he found himself going in circles in life, his relationship, and business. 

Rodney took his hand off Stephanie’s jaw, gripped the back of her neck, and pushed her face down, burying her head into the covers. With his other hand, he hiked Stephanie’s ass up as high as it could go with her face as low as it could go, putting her in her place. 

Rodney bared his weight into each pounding stroke, pulling her waist, booty, and lower back down at his command so he could hit every spot with the right pressure and angle, while also letting her know who’s boss. 

“Use me, baby. Do whatever you want with me. I’m yours,” Stephanie said between each rocking pounding.