Between Heaven and Hell
Dean R. Eyerly
The Historical Jesus
Tate Publishing
, 2010-02
Religion / Biblical Studies / General
Religion / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / General
Religion / Biblical Studies / New Testament / Jesus, the Gospels & Acts
There is no greater controversial person in the world than Jesus the Christ. For over two thousand years, speculation has been lurking in the background about religious control of belief by the church and church dogma in general. Where many people stop in Sunday school, author Dean Eyerly moves beyond in his historical research about this man named Jesus and his historical search for his true beliefs and teaching. Along the way, historical writings were discovered that provided more detail surrounding his life, death, and resurrection. Having been inspired to study after being presented with conflicting historical information, Eyerly began to study outside of traditional data surrounding Jesus in 2003 in order to find a firmer grasp on what history says about Jesus. To no surprise, The answers he found were not always in line with what the Bible says, and Eyerly argues that what we are commonly taught in church isn't the full story. There are several documents and writings discovered that go against modern constructs and tradition as we Christians know of the faith today. Dean has studied through the many documents that go against modern constructs and tradition and shows readers what they say about Jesus, his followers, and possibly why these documents were rejected and pushed into the dark. See how these stark differences in belief are considered so dangerous by the church and not by Jesus. Between Heaven and Hell is a compilation of research shaped into a timeline that begins before the birth of Christ and moves into the Common Era. Dean draws from many non-canonical references and Gnostic literature in presenting a broader perspective on the many differing thoughts and views concerning the person of Jesus. Is there good evidence that Jesus was who we think he was? Was he really born of a virgin? Who really wrote the Bible? These questions must start from somewhere. Discover what you might in this thought provoking presentation of 'un-safe' information that lies Between Heaven and Hell. Dean Eyerly conducts biblical research as a hobby and enjoys sharing with others what he finds. Eyerly firmly believes, As do all of mankind, that Jesus is extra-ordinary, And The Being that all earthly people should emulate. Eyerly currently resides in Holland, Ohio.