Life Saving Sleep

For those seeking a brighter future, Life Saving Sleep brings new understanding and delivers fresh solutions to the complex nature of sleep problems. Debunking numerous myths, Dr. Krakow steers you away from the wrong path chosen by so many mental health patients and professionals who assume sleep disorders are just symptoms of psychiatric or psychological conditions. Easy to follow concepts prove sleep symptoms are really independent sleep disorders needing independent evidence-based treatment. By tapping into the "secret of sleep quality," Life Saving Sleep restores your slumber to a deeper level beyond anything previously imagined, largely drug-free. If you are all too familiar with well-intentioned yet restrictive sleep therapies, fixated on antianxiety drugs, sleeping pills, antidepressants, antipsychotics, or mood stabilizers, then Life Saving Sleep presents the most successful and healthiest ways to fully regain and recover your sleep and quite possibly save your life!