It's Always about Leadership

Mission-Critical Rules for Successful Fire Rescue Leadership

One of the most demanding and stressful management jobs in existence, fire rescue leadership requires a set of clear and distinct skills. Given today’s work environment, everyone from the chief down to the newest recruit should be strong, courageous leaders. Every aspect of a successful operation relies on capable leadership at all levels.

It’s Always about Leadership is written by an active firefighter for his fellow fire-rescue service members. Author Dennis L. Rubin discusses his 13 rules for leadership, which he has developed over a 35-year career in fire service. Alongside these rules, Chief Rubin has curated case studies and created critical learning points, self-improvement plans, and discussion questions for learning reinforcement and to assist real-world applications.

Key features:

--Leadership tools with real-life applicability

--Time-tested advice on navigating challenges and scenarios typical to fire service life

--Experience and perspective from a multi-decade fire service leader