A Retrospect

J. Hudson Taylor is known as a key influencer in modern missions – what is less known but more important is that his “methods” were to trust in the Lord utterly and completely. He chose to forgo financial support from his parents and other well-meaning individuals, but instead waited on the Lord in all things. He even went hungry rather than mentioning needs to those who would gladly have given, so strong was his faith in the Lord as the only true source of all provision.

The Lord proved his faithfulness, providing in such a way as to show that the He indeed is good and wants to give good gifts to his children – even more than an earthly father. As a result of J. Hudson Taylor’s faith, countless others caught the vision, and the beginnings of a massive “missionary revival” was born. As you read this man’s recollections of his own life, you will be inspired to trust completely on the only One who is genuinely able to provide, and perchance you will catch a bit of the urgency for lost souls that caused this man to forsake all for the sake of others.