Antisemitismus in öffentlichen Konflikten
kollektives Lernen in der politischen Kultur der Bundesrepublik 1949-1989
出版Campus Verlag, 1997
註釋Notes that while international pressure and political and moral correctness obliged the German postwar press and public institutions to abstain from antisemitism, the change in personal attitudes proceeded more slowly. Antisemitism declined with the new generations, the distance from the perpetrators and from direct contacts with Jews, the introduction of Holocaust studies in the schools, and increased treatment of the Holocaust in the media. The nature, intensity, and direction of antisemitism also changed, in accordance with the issues uppermost in public attention at any given time (e.g. denazification, the East-West conflict, war crimes trials, relations with Israel). Analyzes the reflection over the years in the press and in public institutions of antisemitic events or those with a bearing on antisemitism, and their impact on public opinion as measured in polls.