Prevention of Hazardous Waste in Europe
Henning Wilts
The Status in 2015
Publications Office of the European Union
, 2016
This is the third EEA report in a series of annual reviews of waste prevention programmes in Europe. The review is stipulated in the European Union (EU) Waste Framework Directive (EU, 2008). This year2 review covers 30 out of the 36 national and regional waste prevention programmes that had been adopted by the end of 2015. In comparison with the previous reports, this edition reflects on the progress towards the implementation of prevention of a selected waste type: hazardous waste. Over the last 10 years or so, the better regulation of the identification, handling and management of hazardous waste has been one of the priorities of environmental policies in Europe and worldwide. Hazardous waste is a large, complex area of work, in particular for industrial processes in which economic factors represent an important incentive for both prevention and recycling. Distinguishing between these two areas is not always straightforward. There are two recurrent subjects that might have implications for this analysis: the ongoing changes in the classification of waste, and separate discussions about hazardous (ecotoxic) property. Changes in the classification of hazardous waste are expected to affect waste generation and management statistics. Hence, they have implications for establishing the baseline necessary for the quantitative monitoring and evaluation of prevention measures. For that reason, this analysis focuses mainly on qualitative aspects. Although the report looks at the generation figures at European and country levels, the statistics are used to determine the latest trends, rather than to provide an accurate account of the success of prevention.