Proceedings of the 10th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, ICTS'07
註釋Many researchers from different countries converged at the 10th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 2007) to discuss recent developments in theoretical computer science. The volume contains all contributed papers selected for presentation with the invited lectures delivered. The subjects of this book range from logical and mathematical aspects of computing, design and analysis of algorithms, to semantics of programming languages. Sample Chapter(s). Part A: Invited Talks: Clairvoyance and Laziness for on Line Travelling Agents (27 KB). Contents: Clairvoyance and Laziness for on Line Travelling Agents (G Ausiello); Symmetries in Foundations (G Longo); On the Approximability of Dense Steiner Tree Problems (M Hauptmann); Analyzing Non-Inteference with Respect to Classes (D Zanardini); Modeling Fuzzy Behaviours in Concurrent Systems (L D''Errico & M Loreti); Sorting Streamed Multisets (T Gagie); Dichotomy Results for Fixed Point Counting in Boolean Dynamical Systems (S Kosub & C M Homan); Definable Sets in Weak Presburger Arithmetic (C Choffrut & A Frigeri); and other papers. Readership: Theoretical computer scientists.