"The New Westward Wind" is an epic tale of unity, innovation, and cultural exchange. When Chief Tlaloc receives a divine vision instructing him to lead his people across the ocean, he forms a remarkable coalition of Aztec, Maya, Inca, and Iroquois nations. Together, they embark on a transformative journey that will change their world forever.
The story follows their incredible voyage across the Atlantic, where they establish contact with medieval Spain. Led by the wise Chief Tlaloc, the compassionate healer Aiyana, the practical engineer Inti, the visionary Pakal, and the diplomatic Luis, the coalition must navigate cultural differences, overcome opposition, and forge lasting alliances. Through their shared knowledge of agriculture, medicine, astronomy, and engineering, they create a unique partnership that benefits both worlds.
This richly detailed novel explores themes of unity, innovation, and the power of cultural collaboration. From climactic battles to the establishment of revolutionary institutions, "The New Westward Wind" imagines a fascinating alternative history where Indigenous American civilizations and European societies meet as equals, working together to build a better future. It's a story of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of shared wisdom.
Perfect for readers who enjoy historical fantasy, cultural exploration, and tales of human connection, this book offers a fresh perspective on what might have been possible through understanding and cooperation.