I Spoke To An Angel
An Angel Named Saint Michael Saved Me when I was 14 Ears of Age. He Told Me I Would Suffer in this Living Hell of a World Then Said to Me I Will Return in 50 Years from Now, and You Will Share a Message to the World from God
出版Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp, 2020-07-16
主題Body, Mind & Spirit / Angels & Spirit GuidesReligion / Christian Education / General
註釋This Novel is about "Saint Michael the Archangel and I", we spoke twice before I was at the age of 14 years old. He talked to me and explained how I would live my life, and how I would do the work of God. He told me I would suffer while I was here on earth. He told me what I would have to do for God, and I will have the gift of knowing the future of people of this world. Then he also explained to me that I could never tell anyone about my Gift, or the Story about us meeting until he met with me again in 2020. This was more than 50 years ago. It is now 2020 and he came back and spoke with me again. He told me what will come from this year of 2020. This world would start to change like never before. Then he told me to write a Book and tell everyone how we met. I asked him how could I ever get people to believe me? Then he smiled and said, people who believe in God, will want to hear what you have to say in your book. People that believe in God will help you in every way they could. This world is changing. Satan and his Son the Anti-Christ is growing Stronger from all the Hate & Killing in this world. He told me I would be Gods voice, and I will have 20 apostles who would work with me. God gave me a gift to see into the future, as each year past I got stronger, and I looked at this world differently. I do know how and when this world will end. I even can tell when people are going to die. God gave me this gift as I grew into a man. God Loves you all, he told me to tell everyone to pray each and every day. This is all he asked from everyone on earth. He also wanted me to tell everyone to stop trying so hard to please him. He loves you all, he knew this when he placed you all on earth. Nobody was born to be perfect. Because this is Hell, everyone is living in. Inside this Novel you will understand where you will go when you die, and why you all started out being born here. God is always testing humans. He wanted you all to understand that he allowed Humans to kill his only Son Jesus. God has destroyed this world many times fighting off Satan. The next time God sends his Angels back to earth. Satan and his son will be destroyed for good, and this planet earth will be no more. Saint Michael will bring God the souls of Satan and his son, and their souls will be crushed and be no more. Once this happens, there will be no more darkness in space and the universe. God is the only person to kill and Angel. When it all is done everything will come to light.