One Or Three?
註釋The study shall demonstrate that the dogma of the Trinity is a product of historical developments. Jesus believed in Jahwe and called him Father. This monotheism was a central subject of the earliest Christian preachings. The contact between the Christianity and the hellenistic thinking and philosophy led to the trinitarian concepts in the second century: the activities of God were interpreted « ad extra, to the outside (the creation « in the beginning and the guidance over the history of Israel and of the church) as ontological hypostasis in the concept of the « Word and the « Holy Ghost. In the third century they lost their temporal character and became eternal « qualities of God himself. Since the fifth century the western Latin theology produced the doctrine of the three persons in God. Contents: A latent tritheism? - The Pre-Christian Roots - Trinitarian Echoes in the New Testament? - The Origins of a Christian Doctrine of the Binity or the Trinity between the 2nd Century and the Beginning of the 4th Century - The Linguistic Fixing of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the 4th Century - The Trinitarian Development in the Latin West.