Ducks in a Row
註釋"Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack! Doesn't everyone know: the only way to lead ducklings is in a straight row?" Not according to Millie MacQuacken and her nine free-spirited ducklings, who are enjoying life to the fullest. But, other duck moms don't approve of their lifestyle - at all: "Well, you can be sure if we had our chance, we'd line those ducks up; put a stop to their dance!" Millie is happy to see her children following their dreams. And, when those other ducks won't stop fussing at them, well ... Millie and her ducklings paddle off in search of friendlier waters. Now the pond is a very different place; but those duck moms aren't so sure it's a better one. They actually miss the MacQuackens! When a crisis threatens the well-being of their former neighbors, what will the MacQuackens do?