Sinking Into Summer's Arms
註釋AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY: The author is an American who thinks too much, exercises too little, and lived for years in Europe and Asia. Tom Slattery has worked a wide range of jobs, including for a variety or research laboratories, and lives to leave himself open to unconventional ideas and uncommon experiences. BOOK DESCRIPTION: Sinking into Summer’s Arms opens with the discovery of a body of a Neanderthal frozen in a rapidly melting Alpine glacier in a globally warming near-future world. The Neanderthal is secretly spirited off to Holland where a group of postgraduates utilizes state-of-the-art research facilities at the Instituut Leeuwenhoek in Delft. Simultaneously, another group—of plotters—is planning to utilize the Instituut Leeuwenhoek as cover to assassinate the United Nations Emergency Secretary for Global Warming.

A third factor enters when a Harvard professor discovers that the warming may have produced conditions to initiate a new Ice Age. And the United Nations Emergency Secretary, unaware of the plot, is struggling to keep the New Ice Age theory super-secret and avoid worldwide panic until more facts support this startling theory.

The re-created mind of the Neanderthal, the assassination plot, and the impending ice age become excitingly intertwined around a subtext of scientific ethics—with a surprise ending.