註釋I'd often felt lost in the shadow of my older brother, Sebastian Blake. People either ran from me in fear or tried to use me to get to him. In my struggle to forge my own path, I'd taken a wrong turn a time or two, which nearly cost me my life. It's true that what doesn't kill you can make you stronger, but that doesn't mean I wasn't filled with self-doubt and questioned my worthiness of being loved. The minute I met Tomas Sarantos, I knew there was something special between us. I felt a connection to him that I'd never felt with anyone else, but I sadly watched the heat fade from his eyes the minute he learned who I was. My only choices were to accept his offer of friendship or nothing at all. Tom became the best friend I'd ever had and I fell deeper in love with him every day. I died a little bit inside every time he talked about the love he was hoping to find and the family he wanted to have with someone else. My heart screamed at me to tell him that his search was over and that I was right there in front of him. Yet, I held my tongue and battled myself daily for over a year to hide my feelings from him. I lacked the courage to make a move, no matter how tired I was of denying my feelings for him.