Studies in the History and Text of the New Testament in Honor of Kenneth Willis Clark
註釋Problem of Christian origins: a programmatic essay, by W. L. Farmer.--A magical amulet for curing fevers, by B. M. Metzger.--Aspects of Paul's theology and their bearing on literary problems of Second Corinthians, by T. L. Price.--Matthew's Beatitudes and the Septuagint, by J. M. Rife.--La provenance Athonite, by J. Duplacy.--The purpose of John 21, by S. Agourides.--The Colossian heresy and Qumran theology, by E. W. Saunders.--Some problems in Jude 5, by A. Wikgren.--Style and text in the Greek New Testament, by G. D. Kilpatrick.--Über die Bedeuting eines Punktes, by K. Aland.