Crossing the Bridge: a Novel

Joanne's outgoing personality disguised her darkest secret-she couldn't leave Brooklyn. Even before the devastating loss of her mother, she suffered panic attacks in crowds and stressful situations. By the time she overcame her mother's premature demise, Joanne was unable to cross the bridges into Manhattan or Staten Island. Thus, her area of travel shrank to the neighborhood in which she lived.

Then Joanne fell in love, meeting the man of her dreams in the local deli. Eric's contracting work brought him to Brooklyn often and by their third date, the two were inseparable. Eric rejoiced in being his own boss and only when the young boys he hired began to sleep over at his house-in his bed-did Joanne notice multiple red flags mucking up their picture-perfect relationship. When confronted, her lover denies it all, and then the roller coaster heads downhill as the man she trusted with her secret uses it against her.

Justice isn't always readily available, but in the end, Joanne finds her true strength lies deep inside.

Crossing the Bridge is a work of fiction about real-life problems. You will be touched by Joanne's heartrending story of the pain and stigma associated with panic disorder, as well as the additional factors of fear, betrayal, and family dysfunction. You'll find yourself cheering for her as she learns to overcome hardships and find a life of joy.