
Dedicated or Gewidmet to the Pre-Universe itself, Vor-Universum, just before the Big Bang, gerade bevor der Urknall, as the Greatest, der Biggeste mystery of all mysteries… Of all the Greatest and the Smallest of all the Smallest within, of the all Visible and of the all Invisible, of all kind of Spatiality and of Temporality of all sort of Causality, and of all forms of Matter and of possible Anti-Matter, both for human in detectable and non-detectable ways, of all forms of Energy, perceivable and non-perceivable for human, of Gravitation and possible of Anti – Gravitation, and of Number Arithmos as perhaps the greatest truth of the whole Universe, and of all Physical and Chemical events and processes and of Metaphysical phenomena herein!

Theoretical Pre-Cosmologist