Un autre visage de l'Europe
註釋A collection of essays. Pp. 75-98, "L'antisémitisme des braves gens" [originally published in Polish in "Powrót do najprostszych pytań" (s.l.: Oficyna Literacka, 1986)], discuss the latent antisemitism of the "common people" in Poland, its characteristics and roots. States that antisemitic stereotypes grew in Poland on the basis of economic competition, and was used by various regimes to cover up real social problems. Combats the arguments of antisemites who try to justify antisemitism by seeing "objective" causes for this phenomenon in the Jews themselves. Describes the tragedy of Poles of Jewish origin who feel completely assimilated in Polish culture and only their "Jewishness" makes them uncomfortable. Mentions the contribution of religious Catholic teaching to the spread of antisemitism. Stresses the importance of education in combating the negative stereotypes of the Jews. Mazowiecki stresses the lack in Poland of declared, militant antisemitism. The article was written ca. 1965, before the 1968 antisemitic campaign in Poland.