It Gets Better Now!

It Gets Better NOW! A Tool Guide for Teens is the first spiritual self-help book written especially for young people that introduces them to their inner power and shows them how to use it.

This indispensable guide leads teens to spiritually empowered lives to help them deal with bullying and pain by introducing them to their true inner selves. It challenges teens' pre-conceived notions about power (or the lack thereof) and presents them with an easy three-step process they can use every day, anytime to learn how to change their thoughts and shift from feeling crappy to happy. It contains a chapter on the unique challenges of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer and questioning (LGBTTQ) teens; and even a chapter on the complexities of the changing teenage brain.

All young people can use the tools in this guide to help themselves connect to the loving energy of the universe and learn how to F.L.Y. - First Love Yourself!!