Die Legende von der "Zweiten Schuld"
Vergangenheitsbewältigung in der Ära Adenauer
出版Ullstein, 1993
註釋Contends that, contrary to common opinion, a great deal of coping with the Nazi past took place in West German public discourse in the 1950s-early '60s. Ch. 4 (pp. 228-352), "Abwehr von Neonazismus und Antisemitismus", deals with Germans' recognition of their shared responsibility for Nazi crimes, and the need to prevent their repetition. Relates widespread support for restitution payments to the Jews, both on the eve of Adenauer's proposal in the Bundestag and in the subsequent debate. Notes the extant literature, media programs, youth projects, and research dealing with the Holocaust. During the 1950s there were almost no war crimes trials, until the nation was shocked by the chance discovery in 1958 of an Einsatzgruppen commander who had never been tried. This led to the establishment of the Central Agency at Ludwigsburg which succeeded in bringing many war criminals to justice. Cites popular protest against courts which were lax in sentencing such criminals or in enforcing anti-racist laws against neo-Nazis, as well as condemnation by both politicians and the public of antisemitic propaganda and vandalism, as signs of successful "Vergangenheitsbewältigung". Argues that the "excessive" preoccupation of Germans with past guilt eroded their national self-image and weakened the Republic.