Ideas de los españoles del siglo XVII
註釋This classic book, which is used rather than quoted, addresses the opinion Spaniards held of themselves, of the peoples who made up the Spanish empire, and of the foreigners with whom they had dealings. Compiling quotations gleaned from countless works by seventeenth-century playwrights, poets, prose writers, historians, gazetteers, theoreticians and moralists, Miguel Herrero devotes the first part to presenting the image these texts convey of Castilians, Andalusians, Galicians, Basques and Catalans. The second part deals with Italians, French, English and Turks, while the third is concerned with Jews, Moriscos and gypsies.0Examples taken from Cervantes?s works, picaresque novels, the plays of Lope, Tirso de Molina and Calderón, Pellicer?s and Barrionuevo?s Avisos, and endless other sources paint a picture of a landscape inhabited by natives and people from outside the Peninsula with their costumes, facial features, culinary habits and peculiarities of speech. They are portrayed with a mixture of hyperbole, cliché, prejudice, description and satire as boastful, courageous, fawning, honourable, stubborn, pleasure-seeking, taciturn, ingenious, uncouth or inquisitive.0The work was first published in 1927 and in 1966 Gredos brought out an enlarged edition as part of its Biblioteca Románica Hispánica series, which is the one on which the present version is based. This study, long out of print and called for by various fields, completes the picture of daily life in Golden-Age Spain sketched by the author, whose interest is centred on other aspects such as food, drink, textiles and clothing.