Generative Programming and Component Engineering
Don Batory
C Consel (Charles)
Walid Taha
ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT Conference, GPCE 2002, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October 6-8, 2002. Proceedings
Springer Science & Business Media
, 2002-09-23
Business & Economics / Information Management
Business & Economics / Business Mathematics
Computers / Business & Productivity Software / General
Computers / Programming / Compilers
Computers / Computer Architecture
Computers / Data Science / General
Computers / Information Technology
Computers / Management Information Systems
Computers / Programming / General
Computers / Languages / General
Computers / Programming / Object Oriented
Computers / Software Development & Engineering / General
Computers / Desktop Applications / General
Medical / General
Political Science / Public Affairs & Administration
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the ?rst ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engine- ing (GPCE 2002), held October 6–8, 2002, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, as part of the PLI 2002 event, which also included ICFP, PPDP, and a?liated workshops. The future of Software Engineering lies in the automation of tasks that are performed manually today. Generative Programming (developing programs that synthesize other programs), Component Engineering (raising the level of mo- larization and analysis in application design), and Domain-Speci?c Languages (elevating program speci?cations to compact domain-speci?c notations that are easier to write and maintain) are key technologies for automating program de- lopment. In a time of conference and workshop proliferation, GPCE represents acounter-trend in the merging of two distinct communities with strongly ov- lapping interests: the Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering Conference (GCSE) and the International Workshop on the Semantics, App- cations, and Implementation of Program Generation (SAIG). Researchers in the GCSE community address the topic of program automation from a contemporary software engineering viewpoint; SAIG correspondingly represents a community attacking automation from a more formal programming languages viewpoint. Together, their combination provides the depth of theory and practice that one would expect in apremier research conference. Three prominent PLI invited speakers lectured at GPCE 2002: Neil Jones (University of Copenhagen), Catuscia Palamidessi (Penn State University), and Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University). GPCE 2002 received 39 submissions, of which 18 were accepted.