Some Further Peptidase B Phenotypes
註釋Reports discovery of 4 new variant phenotypes found during 2 separate population surveys (one from Nigeria, one of over 1,200 Aborigines from Aileron, Amoonguna, Areyonga, Bamyili, Bathurst Island, Bagot, Elcho Island, Angurugu, Hermannsburg, Mainoru, Maningrida, Milingimbi, Robinson River, Victoria River Downs, Yuendumu; methods, findings (Pep B6-1 at Groote Eylandt among Nungubuyu speakers, Pep B7 among Wailbri & Loritja), new phenotypes not observed among Europeans & Negroes and variants among them not found in Aborigines; author assisted by R.L. Kirk, W.H.P. Lewis & Harry Harris.