Collaboration, Coteaching, and Coaching in Gifted Education

Winner of NAGC's 2021 Book of the Year Award

This must-have resource:

  • Provides gifted educators with methods and strategies for successful coplanning, coteaching, coaching, and collaboration.
  • Enables effective management of differentiation.
  • Increases educators' understanding of gifted students' needs.
  • Features the tools and how to steps for facilitating and maintaining collaborative work in order to challenge and support gifted students all day, every day.
  • Encourages professional learning and a focus on shared responsibility and reflection.

The book also includes considerations for working with special populations, including twice-exceptional students, underachievers, and culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse learners, as well as meeting students' social-emotional needs, collaborating with families and communities, and advocating for gifted education.