Once Upon a Midnight Wind
註釋On a storm-lashed August evening in Charleston, just as daylight melted into twilight, an elderly man shuffled toward the front porch of the Tyler home. Abby Tyler shrank into the shadows on the porch, watching breathlessly as he turned without a word and slowly made his way back to the street, leaving Abby frightened and bewildered. Abby's addiction to mystery stories had begun when she read her first girl detective book. Now, at age twelve, she could think of nothing more exciting than having her very own mystery to solve - not knowing it would happen within days. There was a character, a situation, and a stormy night - all the ingredients of a first-class mystery. Those few moments were the prelude to many changes in Abby's life. The next day, the police came to tell the Tylers about an unidentified accident victim who apparently knew them - he had their address in his pocket. The officer's visit left Abby in a state of embarrassment. What if her friends had seen the police car parked at their house? What would they think? All sorts of possible answers played in Abby's mind: a drug operation, a counterfeit money scheme, a hideout for robbers. A few weeks later the family receives a deed to a house in another state. A weekend visit to the old, dark house greets them with a surprise: the house is inhabited by a resident ghost. When their move is completed, Abby suddenly is drawn into a mystery with more knotty problems than she could have imagined. The excitement, however, was mingled with serious matters. Her father is without a job, and prospective employment at the new location does not materialize. Financial resources are shrinking at an alarming rate. At the same time, Abby facesother unanticipated, personal challenges. A new friend becomes a jealous enemy, boldly pointing out Abby's physical flaws of overweight, red hair, and freckles. It's a devastating pain for which pre-teen Abby is not prepared. She retaliates by building a wall of hostility, only to have her mother shatter her feelings by encouraging Abby to return kindness for bitterness - advice Abby vows not to follow. The redeeming factor for all of the problems is Abby's involvement in the school theater. The most popular guy in the seventh grade is cast opposite her in a play, and rather suddenly, Abby becomes extremely conscious about her appearance. Under false pretenses, Abby enlists the aid of her older sister to help her make changes. The Tylers volunteer to help with the Christmas dinner for the homeless and more excitement develops when a kitchen fire at the dining hall threatens the safety of those gathered. It is out of this experience that Abby learns a lesson in friendship. A series of cleverly hidden clues keeps Abby involved in the mystery. She finds adoption papers, trunks of once-elegant, formal dresses, and boxes tied with blue ribbons - all with no explanation. Even getting lost in the forest at night does not dampen her enthusiasm to continue pursuing the evidence that points to a well-hidden treasure. Abby follows clues that eventually lead her to the discovery of a family document. It is this recorded ancestral wisdom that enables Abby to look closely at her own existence and gain insight into the real values of life and family. Abby's story is a coming-of-age experience as she learns to deal with new friends, jealousy, family embarrassment, and personal physical deficiencies.The real-life changes for Abby involve humility and learning to adjust to the ups and downs of each day. In that sense, Abby's story is timeless.