Early Fragments of Esoteric Cosmogony

The active principle is attracted by the passive and the Great Nag, the serpent emblem of the eternity, attracts its tail to its mouth forming thereby a circle in that incessant pursuit of the negative by the positive. The two opposing forces, unconscious and non-existing when separated, they become consciousness and life when brought together.

On the post-mortem disintegration of the constituent parts of man and their return their respective source.

It is not part of the evolutionary law that the human mind, our fifth principle, should be fully developed before the Fifth Round. The Seeress of Prévorst is an example of a Fifth Rounder; Count St. Germain, of a Sixth Rounder. Confucius and Plato were Fifth Rounders. While Gautama Buddha and Shankaracharya are also termed Sixth Rounders, allegorically, the former is still higher and greater than all Fifth Rounders. However, precocious minds on this Round are abnormal.

Monads are not discrete principles, limited or conditioned, but rays from One Universal and Absolute Principle. The entrance into a dark room through the same aperture of one ray of sunlight following another will not constitute two rays, but one ray intensified.