ALL HISTORIANS DID NOT SEE! (except the historian Dr. Rex Curry). DO YOU NOT SEE?

All historians did not see the similar symbolism of Adolf Hitler's NSV, SA, SS logos, as compared with the logo of Hitler's party: the National Socialist German Workers Party. Even today, only exceptional scholars with extraordinary skills (e.g. the USA's Historian Laureate Dr. Rex Curry) are able to perceive the “S”-letter shape of the NSV’s logo (The National Socialist People's Welfare; in German: Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt). The "S"-letter symbolism is almost as difficult to detect as in Hitler’s Hakenkreuz (hooked cross). It is as imperceptible as in the symbols for the SS and SA (Schutzstaffel and Sturmabteilung). All historians did not see (except for the historian Dr. Curry). Do you not see? Hitler used his party's symbol to represent "S"-letter shapes for "SOCIALIST."

Adolf Hitler was a communist and Karl Marx was a Nazi. Together, they are the most notorious white male German political theorists of their time.

Marx inspired Hitler. Hitler’s Marxism is foreshadowed in Marx’s Nazism within Marx’s antisemitic “On the Jewish Question” and other works (e.g. Karl Marx’s “Ethnological Notebooks”) that Hitler used to gain power in Germany. 

Hitler was elected to the Socialist Bavarian People's State and to the Communist Bavarian Soviet Republic. Photographic and video evidence proves Hitler’s communism, as well as contemporary reports. Hitler’s later criticisms of Marx were more strategic than ideological. His tactic was to self-identify as socialist to attract non-Marxists to his party.

Hitler’s political work continued until he secured high office in Marx’s homeland.

After gaining power, Hitler seized the Means of Production with the Reichsarbeitsdienst (The Reich Labour Service or RAD) and various other alphabet bureaucracies.

Hitler replicated the communist Soviet Union which used the term “socialist” in its self-identification (Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics). Following the lead of the USSR and other communists, Hitler used the term “socialist” (not “communist”) in the name of his political party. 

Comrade Hitler’s communism remained on display when he joined Soviet communism to launch WWII, invading Poland together, and going onward from there in a secret conspiracy for their Global Marxism. Hitler persuaded Stalin to pursue International Communism. Hitler was more Marxist than Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, the Kim thugs etc. 

Hitler believed that capitalism was dying, as did Marx. Hitler had observed the USSR and witnessed the death of capitalists (they were murdered there). Hitler continued to follow Marx’s communism (and the communist USSR) when Hitler attempted to eliminate the Bourgeois class.

Many monsters were inspired by Karl Marx. He remains popular today. China drooled over Marx in the embarrassing video “Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers speech on anniversary of Marx’s birth” (2018). Yes, China is humiliated by the same old German who influenced Hitler. Of course, China has the largest population (billions) who self-identify the same as Hitler: SOCIALIST (the same way that Marx self-identified). And Xi’s video is a grim reminder that Mao worshipped Stalin (Hitler’s partner to start WWII).