
The second edition of Family Law (Non-Muslims) in Malaysia is generally an improved version from the. first edition which was published ten years ago and heavily referred to by law students as a textbook. It discusses the substantive family laws related to the non-Muslims in Malaysia which are based on the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976- an𐀉 several other supplementary statutes.

Besides updating the previous chapters on family law matters, the book updates the global concern on the appropriate law when dealing with family related disputes in the 21st century. The new topics on reconciliation and mediation are incorporated to emphasise the need for therapeutic intervention when dealing with personal relationships and encourage kindness even in the most difficult of circumstances which can have significant longer-term consequences and lead to higher levels of considerate behaviour. The philosophy of family, love and kindness must be well embraced by family law lawyers, judges and administrators of family law in the adjudication process.

The book is jointly authored by family law lecturers at the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia. It will benefit not only students, academics and practitioners, but also those in the legal fraternity and those who have interest in non-Muslims' family law in Malaysia. Finally, this book could not have been published without a great deal of help and encouragement from many sources.