You Belong To Me
註釋Seven year old Alicia's life has been so horrific up to this point she sees death as her only alternative. Half a bottle of scotch and a bottle of aspirin later, she is found by two boys in a back alley in New York and the only clue to her identity is a name and phone number of an influential business man in the city. Jason Libertine and his father take the child into their home and give her the love and security she has craved. They have to battle child welfare, a vindictive Assistant District Attorney and the man who bought her from her parents for a hit of cocaine and then killed them - a man who is a blood relative of theirs - before she is to find true happiness. Just when she thought her life was perfect, she is back in the hands of the man who abused her and the people she loves believe she is dead. She is on his island, a place where Satan rules. She is degraded, beaten and forced to give him sons so his name will continue. She tries hard to give her children love and security but Satan''s island is a hellish place to be, until she finds a friend, a man who hates the island as much as she and gets word to New York she is alive. Can she finally find the true love she has dreamed of all these years? Will Jason see her as a beautiful woman or will she forever be his 'baby sister' and deprive them both of the happiness they long for.