The President's Faith

What if... we had a president more concerned with doing the right thing instead of the politically expedient thing? What if... that president was a man of simple gutsy faith who was learning to trust God in both personal and professional situations?

Follow President Drummond Wakefield's incredible journey of faith as he shakes up the status quo of DC insiders, stirs up the ire of extremist groups, and finds himself in situations where only the "still, small voice of the Spirit" can give him the answers he so desperately needs.

"Carla Bruce is a gifted writer with a passion for the Lord. The President's Faith, book two in Carla's Divine Intervention series, will inspire you to pray for our nation. In this perilous time in America's history, the insights, encouragement, and hope in this story reveal the light that can overcome the darkness in our land."
-Mark Buckley, Senior Pastor, Living Streams Christian Church