Proceedings New trends and research challenges in pedagogy and andragogy NTRCPA18


On 8 February 2018, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted a conference on challenges in the area of children, youth and adult education. This international scientific event was organized by the Institute of Educational Sciences of Pedagogical University of Cracow and the Faculty of Pedagogy of Charles University. The conference titled „New trends and research challenges in pedagogy and andragogy” met with great interest of researchers from Czech, Slovakia, Poland and Macedonia. During the seminar, 50 presentations were delivered by representatives from over a dozen of research centres, among them: Banska Bystrica, Bitoli, Cracow, Łodź, Poznań, Prague, Warsaw and Wrocław. It was one of many joint events organised through cooperation of universities from the Visegrad Group and partner Balkan scientific centres. The conference became a platform for exchanging methodological, didactic and organisational experiences. As a result, we present twenty papers which received positive evaluation by reviewers from: Czech, Finland, Spain, Macedonia, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine. Thorough reviews enabled exchange of methodological comments, improving the final version of the publication.