Static Loading of Small Buried Arches
H. L. Gill
Jay R. Allgood
Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory
, 1964
Static and dynamic tests have been performed to study the behavior of small buried arches. The objective was to gain information which will serve as a guide in developing design methods for underground structures. This report describes the static tests, the prime purposes of which were: (1) to obtain information on the behavior of a statically loaded soil-arch system, and (2) to provide data for comparison with that from a similar system subjected to blast loading. The test configuration consisted of two conterminous semicircular arches each 30 inches in diameter buried in dry sand with 6 inches of cover over the crown. The arches were identical except for differing footing widths. The entire system was contained by the NCEL atomic blast simulator pit, which is 9 feet by 10 feet in plan and 12 feet deep. Static loads up to 25 psi were applied to the surface of the sand as various measurements were being made. The test results show that the expected decrease in footing deflection with increase in footing width was accompanied by an increase of maximum moment in the arch. (Author).