Method and Procedure of Soil Analysis Used in the Division of Soil Chemistry and Physics
Arthur Vance Swarthout
Benjamin Schwartz
Charles Sidney Leete
Charlotte Chatfield
Chester Otis Reed
David Griffiths
David Segrid Olson
E. R. Van Leeuwen
E. W. Sheets
Elmer Lash
Eloise Blaine Cram
Frank Getz Ashbrook
Frank Heidtman Lathrop
Frederick Charles Lincoln
George Emil Heck
George Herbert Coons
George McMonies Hunt
Glen Blaine Ramsey
H. F. Willard
Harold Coleman Hallock
James William Park
John Brown Cuno
John Chambers McDowell
John Harold Lister
Joseph Lyonel King
Justus Watson Folsom
Karl S. Quisenberry
Liberty Hyde Bailey
Lorin Harvey Bailey
M. A. Yothers
Marinus Westveld
Neil E. Stevens
Perry Eugene Howard
R. W. Leukel
Ralph Henry Elsworth
Reginald D. Forbes
Robert Montgomery Gehl
Roland McKee
Sherlock Melvin Dietz
Theodore Bergen Manny
Vera Katherine Charles
Walter Cochran Davis
Wilbur Magruder Hurst
Wiley Croom Smith
William Gustavus Wahlenberg
William Orrin Robinson
Charles M. Harris
Charles Ranger Enlow
Cortes Gilbert Randell
Dewey Stewart
Donald Bruce
Fletcher Pearre Veitch
Floyd Frank Bondy
Georgian Adams
Ira Burton Lanpher
Jacob Allen Clark
James Keever Holloway
Karl Burchard Hanson
Lysle Douglas Leach
Marion Imes
Robert Henry Black
Theodore Lemuel Bissell
William Ensley Jackson
William Melvin Mohler
Willard Hull Wright
Finley George Larmer
U.S. Department of Agriculture
, 1930